
Burglary in ACTION

In class today there was a burglary. So, after we got done with reading class we went onto writing. The high school was blogging, Lyle and Patrick came in to steal the copy machine. It reminded me so much of a movie. But I forgot what it was called. So theres these two guys and they hear that theres some very rich and shiny thing. The bad guys, as in two people, try to steal it. But then the two good guys try to stop them. The good guys got the shiny thing but the bad guys keep getting it. They keep taking it back and losing it. So it goes on and on, until finally the master takes it and goes away. This picture reminded me of the movie i watched. Pretty funny isn't it? Well there is Patrick and Lyle stealing the copy machine. We were laughing and after they went out, i thought of BURGLARY. hehe.


Erin said...

OH MY GOD! I am shocked at the debauchery that occurs in my absence! Those scoundrels.

BEBE :) said...

(lol) Exactly what does debauchery mean? Never mind..I will look it up in the dictionary. OH, you got your copy machine back . . =)